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Actionable step by step rapid transformation templates to build the new you
(and remove what's holding you back from success)

Learn How to Get More Done, Have More Fun & be Fulfilled Without Grinding like a Slave in 7 days

without sleezy webinars, optin in for garbage pitch filled PDFs or rented Lamborghinis and mansions flashed in your face

Do you have big dreams but sick of working hard everyday & being tired-to-the-bone, but getting nowhere?

Are you Stuck in a grinding bubble - working so hard with so little to show for it?

Do you keep feeling guilty missing out on important life moments and wrecking your health, while still being ineffective at everything?

Do you find yourself constantly listening to guru after guru talk down to you about how hard they work or how perfect they are (poop emoji💩)  and then use shady tactics to force you to buy from them?

and is it frustrating to always feel the need to purchase the next new expensive high-ticket program in order to really become successful and have a life worth living?

And Maybe you've been saving popular articles to your favorite webapps like pocket, Evernote or Notion - hoping for that one quick fix (which never comes).

Being caught in trends and hot shinny objects instead of focusing on the guaranteed fundamentals will sink your chances of success faster than the titanic.

Trying tricks and popular tactics without handling the actual process and fixing the most important thing: YOU

Do you wonder why you have so many resources... but just don't you can't do it - but don't know why?

Do you keep telling yourself maybe I'm just a failure or this program doesn't work for me or I should just quit...I'm never going to be a (...)?

Those limiting beliefs keep you stuck like a foot in hardened concrete
And no matter how hard you push, they cause you to keep doubting everything and most importantly yourself.

It's not your fault.

You've been falsely led to believe that you need the trendiest apps and devices,
endless list of new bestselling products to really be somebody and live a fulfilling and meaningful life.

You Really Don't!

You may have heard that "Hard work beats talent" - but what if you're just working on the wrong things or have a broken plan? No amount of hard work will beat that

Climbing the ladder in the wrong direction will lead to nowhere - just more
frustration and endless overwhelm.

But what if you had a step by step system to clearly identify the main things stopping you and a process to optimize & put your life right back on track?
What if you had a simple but laser effective blueprint to squash your stresses and win at life?

If you would like me to help you get unstuck, effortlessly melt off anxiety and overwhelm , actually reach their heights you've set for yourself without limitations, and be fulfilled...

that's why I created

If you want to get more done faster, make more money without having to kiss the feet of preachy gurus (celebrities included) or try to be like them, then this ebook is for you

If you really want to clearly identify and finally conquer what's keeping you small, holding you back from reaching your potential, unf*ck your life and be fully free, then this is for you

Here's what you will discover inside of How to Stop Grinding

& Live an Awesome Life

  • What you actually do to begin earning more money without burning out with frustration

  • Learn the 7 secrets high performing athletes use daily for peak performance that'll that you're just dead wrong about!

  • The #1 reason you're lonely, still unmotivated and constantly stressed out despite trying your very best to get ahead (and how to fix that)

  • See page 17 to discover a startling truth about why you can't focus and how it's actually not your fault!

  • The #1 reason why your productivity planner, todo apps and expensive workspaces actually makes things worse and impedes your progress (and what to do instead)

  • A 10 minute test to find and eliminate the fake friends in your life right now that's keeping you stuck in their bucket of mediocrity

  • The real secret to getting off social media and using it without feeling hooked like a slave

  • At last! Find out what thousands of other successful professionals and entrepreneurs know about success that you think you do, but don't!

  • You'll discover my 6 step secret formula - This is the truly lazy way to improve your mental toughness and come out on top of any crisis

  • Here's a dead simple way to clearly identify and melt away your fears. It's so easy a child could do it!

  • Here's a sneaky little trick you can use to immediately increase your chances of getting a raise or charging more for your services!

  • See page 7 to discover the six secret essential things to remove from your diet right now if you want to be healthy!

  • Here's how to get more energy and not feel tired and burnt out every day - for free!

  • Discover the only six essential questions you need to slice through your own worries and doubts, so that you could begin taking action and improve your life from today!

  • Revealed: why grinding and simply hard work will never get you the success you desire and deserve and what you need to do instead!

  • And so much more!!!

When you get your copy today, you will also receive the following bonuses

  • BONUS #1: 15 top-secret questions that will change your Life

    I've compiled a checklist of the most important questions to consistently ask yourself to be at your best

    ($30 Value)

  • BONUS #2: 10x Education:


    With the cost of education going up by the day while access is increasing, something has to give and we need to be able to get our own that actually gives us a tangible time and money return - get access to my 10x Education course

    ($100 Value & going away soon)

  • BONUS #3: I’ve sat down with other expert coaches and specialists


    to pick their brains on the essentials necessary for rapid transformation and results. Two high-value interviews are yours when you order ($50 Value)

  • For a limited time, you get How to Stop Grinding & Live an Awesome Life & the 10x Education package for one low payment of  $97 $27 


    I've done and tried it all. Spent over $10,000 in courses and coaching and seen much fluff and hot air in the market. I've had so much trial and error and pains figuring out what's truly effective and now i'm distilling that for you.

    Had my own radio show at the age of 19. Left my job as a Physical Education teach to pursue entrepreneurship.

    I've spent 4 years as a freelance website designer and digital marketer. I've worked across several industries including e-commerce, affiliate marketing, email marketing and also coaching. I've tried and failed a lot and know exactly that feels like for anyone trying to excel at a new challenge.

    I also had several personal hardships. I had many setbacks and challenges along the way and have lost a child.

    Currently as a Mindset & Success Coach, I help professionals who are stuck, stressed and burdened by life and their businesses transform themselves and reach their full potential

    I've made this a drop-dead ridiculous steal for you by dropping the price even lower 

    The offer is so valuable my friends told me i'm crazy to offer it at this price! But i'm doing it anyway and that why this

    Offer ends in 72 hours, so you need to purchase now if you want the 75% off.

    Click the button below to get started now!

    Get How to Live an Awesome Life - ONLY $27

    100% Satisfaction-Guarantee.

    I’m so sure that you’ll agree that this is the best, to the point mindset and life improvement training you’ve ever seen that I’m backing it by my 30 day rock-solid action-based guarantee.

    If you’re unsatisfied and didn’t see an overall improvement in your life, simply email me with proof you implemented all of the exercises and followed through – and I will happily send you your money back. And you can keep the course and all the bonuses! I reserve the right to determine what's a fair application or not.

    PS: Hurry and claim your complete Change My Life package right now, which includes the How to Stop Grinding and Start living an awesome life e-book, 15 top-secret questions that will change your Life & the How to get a 10x Education for under $100! You get all three Life changing pieces for one low price… so order now!

    Frequently Asked Questions (Faq)

    This sounds too good to be true

    High to live an awesome life is a highly refined blueprint based on personally and some of the best methods taught to our high-end coaching clients (which will soon be turned into a course) to clearly identify what's keeping you stuck and put you on the right path to transform your life, NOT A MAGIC PILL.

    If a magic wand where you literally do nothing and get instant results is what you're really looking for, then this is not for you.

    I don't think it will work for me

    If you're willing to be honest with yourself and answer some soul-searching questions,
    and actually make the changes you'll clearly see are necessary, then it will work just fine.

    Can I really complete this in 7 days?

    Yes, you can read through it in 7 days, but in order for effective change to happen, it must be sustained and fully implemented on.

    What makes this product different or better than what I've tried so far?

    This is fluff free, to the point and highly actionable. No matter your experience or income level, anyone who goes through our process improves. You can even go through it in one sitting but it is highly advised to take at least 7 days to go through the exercises and transformation process.

    Again this is a rapid implementation program. No fluff or unnecessary information or speeches.

    I have a different question

    Feel free to reach out and ask any question. My email address is [email protected]

    Can you give me something for free?

    I'm doing my best to make it affordable for your but If you're not willing to invest $27 in your future self I won't be able to help you. This is the cheapest and lowest risk you can find. Think of the value of the time you're losing randomly fishing for free information on the interwebz.

    What will happen after I purchase?

    After about 3-5 minutes you'll be sent an email with your receipt and login access to dig in right away. If for some magical reason that doesn't happen email [email protected] and it'll be fixed right away.

    All Rights Reserved © 2021 – Craige Hardel